020 7486 3840

What are the indications that require penile implants?

  1. Any patient with Erectile dysfunction that fails to respond to oral medication, penile injections , vacuum devices or any other modality.
  2. Patients where conservative therapy is contraindicated eg:
    • a. Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Spedra when taking Nitrate containing drugs
    • b. Caverjet/Viridal - in patients on Warfarin, history of priapism
    • c. Vacuum devices – anticoagulants
  3. Patient choice after trying other treatments
  4. Advanced Peyronie’s Disease
  5. Following penile or pelvic trauma
  6. Priapism
  7. Buried penis
  8. In conjunction with penile reconstruction
Talk to a specialist about treatment and options

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St Peters Andrology is the first centre in the UK to offer Collagenase (Xiapex) treatment for Peyronies disease.  Get in contact with us to arrange an appointment.  

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